Friday, October 21, 2011

Killing the Couch Potato Within

White noise begging us to come play--NOW!  Americans, the classic 21st century creativity killer has been reduced from the size of our bedrooms to the size of the palm of our hands. Our rectangle shaped mind candy beckons us to a world of electronic distractions few of which will cause us to CREATE anything.   Will I miss my purpose here because I am numbed out playing Words with Friends or skimming my new guilty pleasure,  Last nigtht, I  had already slid into bed when I realized I had forgotten to kennel the dogs and set the house alarm.  Doesn't my droid have an app for that???  A chill ran down my spine when I realized that if my droid did have a "Kennel your Dog/Turn on the House Alarm" app, I would have used it. Has the couch potato won??   

Only when I can declare:  "Couch Potato, RIP" will the zenith of my God-given creativity be realized.  Amen.

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