Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Vegan? Me????

Veganism never appealed to me.  Until now.  After battling fibromyalgia and reaching the point that I feel like I have overcome the searing pain that haunted me for so many years (see My Yoglates II South Story) , I have decided that I want ALL of me back.  What does that mean?  I have been married for 21 years, have given birth to 4 children, and have been on the 21st century treadmill--work, sleep, eat (repeat) . And, oh, by the way, I have gained 40 pounds since getting married.  In addition, I have been suffering with recurring stomach pain--diagnosed with IBS.  (A walking medical journal.) An interesting combination of tenacity and patience have led me to the conclusion that veganism might be a really great way to improve my health and mental function.  Won't hurt.  Might help.

Now I am on a journey.  It's only been 3 weeks, but my thinking is clearer and I have more energy.  NO MORE STOMACH PAINS.  I am following vegancoach.com and will be reading a documentay book called Forks over Knives,  to get a better picture of what veganism should look like.  Not interested in the political implications of veganism....just the health.

Praying for the best. 


  1. Proud of you! :) I've been meaning to pick up Forks over Knives myself. I have friends who have been raving about it. Let me know how you like it!

  2. I'll let you know. Just had a boca burger with dijon mustard. So funny how this tastes like heaven after having no animal bi product for so long!! I have started reading China Study. Written by Forks ovet Knives author. I'll let you know.

  3. I happened to stumble upon this post. Hello friend.
    So glad to hear you are gluten free - me too for about a year.
    Before you completely jump into a vegan diet, may I please suggest you read about the Paleo way of eating. Have you heard of it?
    2 excellent books are: The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf and The Perfect Health Diet by Paul Jaminet.
    By the way, the China Study was debunked by a brilliant research analyst named Denise Minger:

    This is just a little information but hopefully you'll find it helpful.
    My mom and 2 of my sisters suffer from Fibromyalgia. It is so difficult to manage. I will pray for your continued strength.
    Don't give up! It sounds like you're making great progress.

    All is well with me. We live in NC. I occasionally exchange emails with your father and I hope he is well. God bless you and your family.

    Stephen Walsh
